Okay, I love lady gaga as much as the next guy, but in the shot at a german tv show. She must have had a midnight romance with kermit the frog. Kermit the frog was the next big thing at the runaways in Paris and she wanted to get to the head of the crowd. filling the department stores. wanted to have first dibs. had a dream.
katy perry looks like she had an accident with a sowing machine and didn't feel like changing into anything else. Hopefully, this isn't the only outfit she had in her closet.
either whoopi goldberg thinks she is glenda the good witch or she suddenly had an epiphany that she was Cinderella's fairy godmother in a past life. It's up to the viewer to decide.
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In a new study published in the journal Epidemiologic Reviews, scientists find that the obesity level in the United States continues to climb. At this rate, by the year 2015, 75% of American adults will be overweight and 41% will be obese.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission reports that in 2006, of the nearly 140,000 licensed bear hunters, 3,122 bears were harvested and taken to check stations.
According to Computer Economics, only 1.8% of corporate revenues will be used to fund IT expenses this year in North America (U.S. and Canada).
"I think what you are going to see is us working very closely with the local CBS affiliates in all the Mountain West markets to help promote and enhance the profile of the conference and the network," Chris Bevilacqua said at the press conference.
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