Monday, June 20, 2011


Rashad Gray

Bio 115 Research Report

Assignment 3: Evolution

Professor Wise

The theory that certain aspects of life on Earth were invented by the contributions of a knowledgeable entity is referred to as the notion of Intelligent Design. Believers in this ideology state that natural selection, which is a key component of Darwin’s evolution theory is insufficient in describing how all elements of living things were formed. Specifically, the natural selection concept does not fully detail how higher level beings labeled with increased intelligence came to life. Intelligent design theorists believed that evolution by natural selection is not an accurate assumption on how complex creatures and life systems were put together. Therefore, if natural selection is an incomplete theory, then a powerful individual with high levels of intelligence must have brought these intricate life forms into existence. The followers of the intelligent design concept claim that natural science cannot fully elaborate on how all life processes and biological organisms on earth were assembled. In their opinion, the principles of evolutionary theory as proposed by Charles Darwin are also not adequate in answering every inquiry about the intellectual creatures known as humans. Natural selection is not enough to explain the ingenuity of how the human race was formed. So, intelligent design argues that a cognitive being was the architect of the life structures found on earth instead of intelligent life coming from a series of unorganized selections and processes.

Although, there is not much evidence to support this theory, there is alot of evidence to refute intelligent design. In a sense, intelligent design theory states that organisms do not change over time, but were created as they were. It does not discuss any possibilities of ancestry or genealogy where traits are passed down from one generation to the next.
Evolutionists believe that simple life on this planet, which eventually turned into a intricate biological structure of organisms and their environments, developed gradually by a natural process. This gradual development, especially from a simple to a more complex form, was an explanation of biological advancement. In the evolutionist view, the various species of today developed from earlier forms. Supporters of evolution reject the belief that life forms were simply created all at once, by an ultimate being with supreme intelligence, which is the theoretical stance of intelligent design believers.

They also believed these earlier life forms gave off traits to be passed onto the next generation of a specific species. Yet, each of these species underwent mutations overtime depending on environmental changes or survival needs. These particular changes were advancements from the previous generation and were completely unique.

Intelligent design theory also cannot explain how DNA came into existence, specifically human DNA. The human body’s genetic material is contained within the nucleus of each of its cells. The genetic material consists of coils of DNA arranged in a complex way to form chromosomes. As a result, genetics clearly supports the theory of natural selection because it discusses the variations that occur in different species. Intelligent design also fails to give verifiable evidence of how one intelligent force created an array of unique organisms. Additionally, intelligent design followers cannot explain the way a single intellectual being can be responsible for the various small mutations that happen in subsequent generations. Intelligent design is not a reasonable alternative to evolution by natural selection because the theory is incomplete and somewhat illogical. It does not have a solid foundation built on physical evidence and therefore cannot form a strong argument. Much of intelligent design theory is based on philosophical beliefs instead of scientific truth. Intelligent design will always be refuted by natural selection believers because it is closely linked to several religious ideologies that claim one deity is the creator of the universe.

Another one of the weaknesses of intelligent design theorists is that they claim not to appeal to any deities and that there concept is far removed from any religious beliefs. However, they do believe that the great being at the center of the intelligent design theory is otherworldly and may be divine. As a result, although believers in intelligent design try to separate themselves from traditional religion, they are only partaking in the creationist movement if they argue how humans came to be without showing any solid scientific evidence. Furthermore, without an argument based in natural science, the opinions of intelligent design believers can only relate to religious principles.

What I think needs to happen to ease some of the tension between conflicting theories is that both sides need to accept that each concept has its own valid points about the existence of biological models. Neither viewpoint can be considered completely wrong and should be respected by those who have opposing perspectives.

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