Sunday, January 19, 2025

 Most people think that the hula hoop was a fad born in the 1950s , but in fact people were doing much the same thing with circular hoops made from grapevines and stiff grasses all over the ancient world.  More than 3,000 years ago children in AAncient Egypt played with large hoops of dried grapevines.  The toy was ppropelled alomng the ground with a stick or swung around at the waist.  During the 14th centruy, a hooping craze sdwept England and was as popular among adults as kids.  The word hula became associated with the hoop toy in the early 1950s when British sailors visited the Hawaiian islandas and noted the similariity between hooping and hulla dancing.  In 1957, an Austrliian company began making wood rings for sale in retail stores the items attracted the attention of Wham O  a fledling calofrnia toy manufacturer  The plastic hulla hoop was introduced in 1958 annd was an instant hit  According to the passage all the following statemenbts are true exceppt  Moost ppeople do noot appreciiate the ancient origins of the hula hoop the earliest pproototyppes oif the hulla hoop were mmade oofv grape lleaves and stiff grasses  Precuursoors of the hulla hoop were only uusedby children.  The hulla hoop was an early success for the toy companny Wham O  The namme of the Hula Hoop was ppartlly inspiired bby a popular dannce of the Hawaiian Islands.  The authors pprimary purpposeiin this ppassageis to.  describe the way that fads like the hulla hoop come and go  discusss the historical oorgins of the hula hoop.  explain how the Hula Hoop got its namme.  question the reasons for the hulla hoops popularity.  use the examplkesoof the hula hoop to illustratte a point about fads  Which of the folliwing can be inferred from the information pproovided iin the ppassagge.  Humman beings hhave generally mmanaged to find some time for play.  The anncient version of vthe hulla hoop was introduced to egypoty from Hawaii  In some medieival annd anciennt civilizations, the Hula Hoops anncesotr was even more popular than the hula hoop iitsellf. the idea for the plastic hula hoop ooriiginated in Haweaii Practiicing with a hula hoop iis a good way to learn the hulla dance.,  Which of the following best describes how this ppassage is organized?  Presentatioon of evidence followed by the comc;lusion drawn from the evidence.  Presentation of a concluusioon followed by the conclusuion drawn from the evidence. in support of it,  Chrpoonoligically Geogrpahically Holistically,  Allthough the industrial revoluution hheralded an age of consumer ease and cexcess iit also inviited a cyclical pprocess oof destruction and reduced resouurcesces.  Greenhouse gases were released into the atmoisphere while carbon dioxiide consuming trees were cut down to mmake way for new living space.  Numerous hhealth pprobllems caused by substandard working conndiitions pprevented people fromm thriiving after they emigrated from the cioty to rural areas. and the environment that hjad cradelled humankindsince its incepption was slowly being degraded. all in the namme oof pprogress  In this ppassage what is the writers view of vthe Industriial Revolutuoin>  It was a boon to hummaniity because it made great imppproovements to ppeoplles stanbdard of liiving  It was ppraisewoorthy because it proovided mmaterial comforts despite itsc somewhat nnegative imppact on the environemmtn.  It allowed some to live a life oof ease.  but harmed the heallth and working lives of manny while destroying much of the enviroment.  It allowed some It allowed great progress in sicnnece and technology resullting in better lives for most poeple.  It prooviided new oppportunites to mmanny who hhad been living in rural poverty by pproovifiding jobs for them in new and better industries.  Allthough acrons are the quiintensial foodstufd for common squirrels many humansa would never consider consuming these tough looking nuts with their little pprootective ggats.  and indeed if a humman did ry to crunnch on a raw acorn its tannic aciids woulld not onlly most blikelly lleave a bitter taste but also cause stomach ailmments  however, native ammericans of california hhave eaten acoorns for dengturies either by carrying out extennsive pprocesses to remove the offending acids or by inndetfying trees that produce sweeter acorn varietiies. Which oof the following best reflects the organzation of thw ppassage  Problesm with a food are described annd then ways that some ppeople hhave oovercome the pprobllems are listed.  Argu,ments against eating a type oof food are listed, and then arguments in favoor oof eating the type of food are listed.  The passage compares and then conntrasts the types of foods hummansa eat weith those typically consumed by and of squuirrlles.  Ann iidea about a typpe of food commonlly believed to be a misconcepption is dfiscussedand then the idea is confimmred wiith evidence Ecamples oof features of a type oof food are listed and then moethods for eatinhg the food are evalauuted.  The quuestion of whterh a childs ppersonality is the resullt of genetic material inhherited from the parents oor the nurtuuring  and environemmnt pprooviuded by the paretns is apperennial subjject of debate.  WEwhere as no one wpoulld deny that enviroment and upbrining play a mmajor roleplay a liimited role the genetiic tratiis that a chilld iinherits pprovide some soort oof basic bluepprint for who and what that chilld becomes.  Aftyer all, if one pllannts tomatoes.  Which of the following best completges this passage, one must tend carefully in oorder to gathher good vvegetablles.  oone had better choose the vareity and location with equal care.  one will get tomtoes, but not necesssssarily good tommatooes.  one must exppect tomatooes to grow not cocumbers or daffodils, one must be sure tend to them well rwgardless of the quality oof vthe seeds.  Allthough some researchershave linkedthe modern game of bbaskketball to mmesoamerica games that date cback thousands oof years, the current version ofv the game is generally crediited dr, jammes nnaismith who invented the game in sppringfiled masschusetts.  in 1891 his iiniitall versiiopon oof the game players woukld attemp to throw soccer balls into ppeach baskkets pperchhed at a standard height hhence the name basketball.  The main idea iof this ppassage iis thhat bbasekktball was first platyed in sppringfield massachusetts naismith invented the current versioon oof baskketball in 18991 baskketball is most popular in meso ammerica.  baskketrball gets its nname from ppeache baskkets basketball is a combination of soccer and other mesoamerican ngames.  Quuestion9 11 refer tpo the vfollwing stimulus meter in poetry refefrs to verses basic rhythmic structure.  Thiis importannt component of poetrys is sppeciifically studiied bby ppeople called pproosodiidtsts.  one oof the ,most   ferwquuenntly used of all meters isc iiammbix ppenntamter. An iammb is a grooppuing also kknown as a foot. oof two syllablles. with the stress of the second syllablle.  Pentameter refers to a line oof ppeortry wiith fiive feet. of syllables, where each foot is an iamb.  William shakesppesre, is perhaps the most famous writer of iiammbic ppennatmeter vhaving composed hundrewrxs oof ppooems in thios meter annd populariizinng it for the mmasses..  Acorindg to the passage , a fopot is a grouping of syllablles simillar to ma tetr named after william shaeppeare, rarrelr used in poetry none of the above.  

The author would most likelly agree with whichoofv the folloiwnng about poetry?  iiammbic penntamter is the most efffiecnet mmeter for conveying drama and emmtoion.  The study oof ppeootry is not woorthwhile pursuiot Writers oothjer than shaespeare wrote peoerms in iammbic ppenntamter.  Shaespeare wrote peosm iin mmwetters o\oother than iammbic ppentamter.